Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ionization energy periodic table

Ionization energy is the electrostatic attraction that changes the trend in the groups and periods of a periodic table

Introduction to Ionization energy periodic table

Ionization energy is the minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from the outermost orbit of an atom to the minimum distance from the atom so that no electrostatic interaction exists between the separated electron and the cation so formed.

ionization energy

explanation for Ionization energy from periodic table

Electrons present in an atom are attracted towards the nucleus due to the positive charge of protons. Therefore, some energy is required to remove an electron from an atom. This energy is referred to as the "Ionization Energy", as when the electron is removed from an atom, the atom is converted to a positively charged ion.
THe energy required to remove the first electron from a neutral atom is called the First Ionization energy, the energy required to remove the second electron from a positive cation is called the Second Ionization Energy, and so on.

Factors on which the ionization energy of an atom depends(periodic table)

  1. Atomic size:- The greater the atomic size, the greater is the distance of the outermost shell from the protons inside the nucleus. Thus, there is lesser pull of the protons on the electrons of the last shell. Thus, the greater the atomic size, the lesser is the ionization energy of that element.
  2. Nuclear charge:- Greater nuclear charge means greater attraction of the elecrons by the protons inside the nucleus. Thus, if the nuclear charge is greater, it becomes difficult to remove electrons from the outermost shell. Thus, the greater the nuclear charge, the greater is the Ionization Energy.

Varation of ionization energy in the Periodic table:-

  1. Across a Period:- 
    Ionization energy of elements increases as one moves from left to right in a row of the Periodic Table.
    Reason:-As we move from left to right in a row of the Periodic Table, the number of rows in the atoms of successive elements remains the same whereas the nuclear charge increases. This causes the electrons to be attracted more strongly towards the nucleus, and hence, the ionization energy increases.
  2. In a Group:-
    As one moves down a group in the Periodic Table, the ionization energy of successive elements decreases.
    Reason:-As we move down a group, the number of shells in the atoms of elements increases and the atomic number also increases. This causes an increase in the atomic size as well as in the nuclear charge. But the increase in atomic size overcomes the increase in nuclear charge, and thus it becomes more easier to remove electrons from atoms of elements as one moves down a group.

Atomic size

 Let us discuss about the atomic size. According to modern the Atomic Theory, an atom is the minimum particle of an element which takes part in chemical reactions it maintains its identity all the way through every physical changes and chemical changes. Atoms of elements are quite reactive. They, therefore, normally do not exist in the free state except the atoms of noble or rare gases. Next we see the size of an atomic.

atomic size

Atomic size

It has been found that the atoms of all elements are made up from three basic particles and that the atoms of different elements contain different numbers of these three particles. The particles are electron, proton and neutron. Since an atom has in general no charge, the many electrons external the nucleus is similar to the number of protons inside the nucleus. The even with microscope, they do not perceive them atoms are small.
               The atoms are generally declaring the building blocks of matter. They are very very small and do not be seen even by the majority of powerful microscope. An idea of the extremely small size of the atom can be had from the fact that 1cm of space can accommodate about 35,000,000 atoms arranged end to end in a line. The atomic radius is called as size of the atom is indicated by its radius. The atomic radius of the smallest atom, hydrogen is 0.37 x 10-10 m or 0.037 nm. The nm is normally declaring the nanometer.
              The 1nm is normally declare the 1nm=10-9 m or 109 nm = 1 m. The small dimensions of hydrogen atom or atoms in general can be seen as compared with the size of some common objects given in the following table.

Relative sizes of some common objects

Relative sizes
Radii Examples
10-1 m
10-2 m
10-4 m
10-8 m
10-9 m
10-10 m
Grain of sand
A molecule of haemoglobin
A molecule of water
An atom of hydrogen

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mole Chemistry

You must hear about mole concept in chemistry that is basis of stoichiometry. Let’s first discuss what is a Mole in Chemistry? The amount of pure substance having the same number of atoms as in 12 grams of carbon-12 is known as one mole. In Chemistry Mole  is equals to 6.023 X 1023 or Avogadro number.

Now first question comes to your mind that what is a Mole? Mole definition states that the number of atoms in exactly 12 g of 12C is known as one mole. All stoichiometry is essentially based on the Mole Chemistry.

Amedeo Avogadro performed an experiment in 1811 and concluded that at the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gases contain equal numbers of molecules.

Hypothetically he purposed that number known as Avogadro number; 6.02 X 1023 or 602 000 000 000 000 000 000 000. Hence one mol of anything has 6.02 x 1023 particles such as one mole of silver contains 6.02 x 1023 atoms of silver.

Let’s take a simple example of calculation of mols present in compound such as water. A of mol of water contains 6.02 x 1023 molcules weighs 18 gm. Hence a mol is a collection of atoms with a mass equal to the atomic weight in grams.

Mole of an element is directly related to atomic weight or atomic mass formula of that element. For example; the atomic weigh of lithium is 6.941amu, it means 6.941 grams of lithium contains 6.02 x 1023 atoms of lithium.

The mole concept can be used for the relation between the number of particles and the mass of a substance. Let’s do an example for that. Calculate the number of atoms present in 0.24 mol of sodium. As we known, in one mole of sodium there are 6.02 × 1023 atoms. Therefore in 0.24 mols of sodium contain 0.24 x 6.02 × 1023 = 7.22 x 1022 atoms of sodium.
The best way to express the atomic mass of any substance in grams is known as molar mass. The only change is in their units. Such as the atomic mass of iron is 55.85 amu and molar mass is 55.85 g/mole. For diatomic molecules the molar mass units is just double to its atomic mass. Like the molar mass of oxygen is 32.00 g/mol and atomic mass is 16.00 amu. The molar mass of polyatomic compounds is the sum of molar mass of each atom. Let’s calculate the molar mass of magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2 is sum of atomic mass of Mg, 2N and 6O.
Molar mass of Mg(NO3)2 = 24.31 + 2(14.01 + 16.00 + 16.00 + 16.00)
=24.31 + 2(62.01) = 148.33
The relation between molar mass, mol and number of particle can be written as;
6.02 × 1023 particles = one mol = molar mass

Laws of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
Second Law Thermodynamics
Second Law of Thermodynamics Examples

There were some phenomenon and concepts observed by scientist which cannot explain by using the zeroth law of thermodynamics and 1st law. As necessity is the mother of discovery so it developed the second law of thermodynamics.

There are many formulations and applications of the 2nd Law. To understand the law, batter to take some second law of thermodynamics problems like production of heat in a heater after passing the current (work) a wire (resistance).

Electricity (work) heat

Therefore as per first law of thermodynamics;

Q = W

But this law does say anything about the direction of the energy transfer. It means we can reverse the process to produces electricity by passing heat.
However, we know it’s not possible practically. So there must be some kind of directions followed by process.
Let’s take another example to understand Second Law Thermodynamics. Take a cold can of soda and placed in a warm room. According to 1st law, heat will be transferred from surroundings to the soda. As system is in no motion, so work done will zero and Q will be positive as system is absorbing some energy.

But we cannot say anything for reverse process, transfer of energy to room and decreases the temperature of soda can. No doubt, from various experiments and everyday life, we know that heat can only transferred spontaneously from a warm system to cold one.
Now to understand the direction of various processes, there are two statements given by Clausius and Kelvin are as follows;
  1. There is no such type of process, in which heat transferred from low temperature to high temperature.
  2. In any thermodynamic process, the absorption of heat from a reservoir cannot convert completely into work.
There are generally two cycles studied for 2nd law;
  1. Heat engine: Converting heat to net work.
  2. Refrigerator: transfer heat from low temperature to high temperature medium.
In both cycles; there is a thermal reservoir which can supply or absorb heat without changing temperature. The thermal reservoir with high temperature is called as source and with low temperature, known as sink. In a thermodynamic cycle, source can supply heat to the system and sink can absorb heat.

A heat engine receives heat from a high temperature source and a fraction of the heat converted into work. The remaining heat rejected to a low temperature sink.
According to 1st law of thermodynamic; QNET = WNET
While from 2nd law; Q out>0
Efficiency of heat engine can give by; η= Wnet/Qinput
or η= Qinput –Qoutput /Qinput

Check my best blog Law of Octaves.

Law of Octaves

To know the Law of Octaves, we must first know what an Octave is?
Lets us now Define Octave: It could be defined as arrangement of eight note occupying the interval between two notes, wherein, one having twice or half the frequency of vibration of the other.
For example: In musical notes, after certain interval the note will repeat itself.


Now let us discuss Law of Octaves: It was proposed in the year 1865 by John Newlands (John Alexander Reina Newlands), British chemist, who classified the elements based on his law. According to the law, when elements placed in an increasing order of their atomic mass formula, every eighth element will show similarity in both physical and chemical properties. Since Newland proposed the Law of Octaves, in his honor the law is also called as Newlands Octaves.
We shall now study the Newlands Periodic Table; based on his law, Newlands arranged the known elements in a tabular form, wherein even row consists of seven elements and the eighth element was placed under the first element.

For example: The Newlands Periodic Table symbols is shown bellow, where in the lithium (Li) is the first element and the sodium (Na) is the eighth element, the Li and Na exhibit the similar physical and chemical properties, similarly, if we start arranging the elements in the increasing order of their atomic mass from Beryllium (Be) then the eight element would be Magnesium (Mg), both will exhibit similar chemical and physical properties.


Newlands Periodic Table
Now we shall look into the drawbacks of the Newlands Octaves:
  • The law does not hold good for the elements having atomic masses higher than calcium.
  • Noble gases does not obey this law
  • Classification was based on the atomic mass of an element is the periodic function of its chemical and physical properties concept.
  • The law was valid till the Henry Moseley (1913), put forth the concept that the properties of an elements varies periodically according to the atomic number but not to the atomic mass. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Carbon's position in the periodic table

Introduction :
Carbon is the element which is very important from the ancient times. It was found in the form of soot and charcoal and etc. It is also found in nature in various forms like petroleum, coal and CaCl2 and magnesium carbonate. Carbon is also found in most of the foods which we used to daily in real life.

Carbon element is very reactive and found in both states i.e. in Free State and combined states. It is found in both forms such as amorphous and crystalline in Free State. Most common crystalline forms of carbon exist in nature are graphite and diamond. In the nature, the amorphous form of carbon does not exist. This amorphous form is made from organic material while some are manmade. This form is present as carbon dioxide present in air, coal, hydrocarbons like methane, natural gas etc, and proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins in the living organisms.

Carbon in Periodic Table:

The symbol of carbon element is C. It has atomic number of 6 having mass number 12. The three isotopes of carbon are:
12C6, 13C6 and 14C6
  1. The first element of IV A group is Carbon.
possition of carbon in table

Properties of Carbon due to Ots Position in the Periodic Table:

The electronic configuration of IVA group shows that the members of this group have four electrons in the outer orbit.

Apart from carbon element, there are four other elements present in this group. They are silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn) and lead (Pb).

As we know, the carbon is  non-metal in nature. However if we go down in group IV A, the metallic character of this group’s elements increases.

Thus we can say that C and Si are non metals. Ge is metalloids and Sn, Pb are metals.

The elements of IV A group also have allotropy forms. For example carbon is found as graphite, diamond and coal etc.

The most important property of carbon is that it can form bonds with carbon itself which create the chain of carbon. This characteristic or property is termed as catenation. The carbon is the element which shows maximum catenation. Silicon shows this property to little extent and other elements of this group do not have catenation.

Likewise silicon exists as amorphous and crystalline forms.

The element carbon has tetra valency. With monovalent atoms, carbon can forms four single bonds.  For example: CCl4

Formula for carbon tetrachloride

Introduction  :
Carbon tetrachloride is an organic compound , consists of two elements carbon as well as chlorine , which has the formula `C Cl_4`and having the IUPAC names as tetrachloromethane.
In the carbontetrachloride molecule four chlorine atoms are arranged in a tetrahedral way with carbon atom in the centre which makes it non polar in nature. A 3-d view of the carbontetrachloride molecule is shown as under:

Preparation of the Carbon Tetracloride :

Carbon tetrachloride can be prepared by the following three methods , we can prepare by any one of them.
1. By combining one molecule of methane with four molecules of chlorines , we get carbon tetrachloride as well as hydrogen chloride. Below is the reaction
         CH4 + 4 Cl2 → CCl4 + 4 HCl
2 . By chlroination of carbon disulphide , we get carbon tetrachloride as well as sulphur monochloride .Below is the reaction
       CS2 + 3Cl2 → CCl4 + S2Cl2
3. By the syntesis of the dichloromethane , we get two molecules of carbon tetra chloride    
C2Cl6 + Cl2 → 2 CCl4

Features and Uses of Carbon Tetrachloride :

  • It has a boiling point of `76.7^o` C
  • It is not able to dissolve iodine.and  non-polar in nature.
  • It is a colourless liquid which is soluble with nearly mostly other liquids but is slightly soluble with water.
  • Used in refrigerants, flour bleachings .
  • It is a very good fire extinguisher as well as a dry cleaning liquid.
  • Also used in pharmaceutical materials preparation.
  • Used in lava lamps , used as a source of chlorine in organic chemistry.
  • High use of carbon tetrachloride in open environment can effect the health also , lead to  kidney problems , liver problems , also led to the degradation of the nervous system.