Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Breaking atomic bonds

Solids are characterized by incompressibility, rigidity and mechanical strength. This represent the molecules, atoms or ions that make up a solids which are closely packed. They are join together by strong cohesive forces and cannot move at random. Thus, in solids we have well ordered molecular atomic or ionic arrangements. Thus, it is extremely hard to break atomic bonds between these molecules.
Some solids like sodium chloride NaCl2, sulphur S, and sugar (carbohydrates),  besides being incompressible and rigid, have also characteristic geometrical forms. Such substances are known be a crystalline solids. The X-ray crystallography studies reveal that their ultimate particles such as molecules, atoms or ions are arranged in unusual pattern throughout the entire three-dimensional (3D) network of crystal. This definite and ordered arrangement of molecules, atoms or ions lengthens over a large distance making it extra difficult in breaking atomic bonds.

The natural history of the Inter-atomic Force resulting in the breaking atomic bonds

Basically, an atom consists of a tiny positively charged body, located at its center called as nucleus. The nucleus, though small have all the protons and neutrons. Since the mass of an atom entirely owing to the presence of protons and neutrons, it is evident that almost the entire mass of an atom resides in the nucleus.
Between the atoms or ions or molecules the inter-atomic bonds is present. This type of breaking atomic bonds is set up by equilibrium between attractive and repulsive forces with the remaining force being zero (0). When the breaking atomic bonds is at stabile. It is evident that the atoms are far apart from the attractive forces between these molecules so it will govern and when they are very close packed together the repulsive force will becomes higher; both these help in ruining away as the separation increases. This report proves that the breaking atomic bonds result from inter-atomic force, as a function of atom separation. Fig 1: Representation of bonds between two molecules

Breaking atomic bonds is also characterized by bond energies

Enthalpy formation of the bond.
Bond energy for any particular type of bond in a compound may be defined as the average amount of energy required to dissociate (to break) one mole, viz., Avogadro’s number of bonds of that type present in the compound. Bond energy is also called the enthalpy of formation of the bond.

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